Triple Negative Breast Cancer & Melanoma
Aidan Morris
My perspective changed in the most wonderful way. Cancer is the best worst thing to happen to me.
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Breast Cancer
Allie Bertocchini
My family is stronger than ever. I allow myself to take the time that I need to be healthy. I don't feel obligated to do things anymore, but choose to focus on what is best for me and my family. I have developed a network of over 25 women that have been diagnosed and use each other as a support system.
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Colorectal Cancer
Allison Rosen
I chose to deliberately and consciously dedicate my life - in and outside of my employment - to educate, advocate, and learn how best to represent the collective cancer community. Through my own experience surviving cancer and working in the medical space, I want to bridge the gap between the healthcare system and the communities that it serves.
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Hodgkins Lymphoma
Angelina Maselli
If I could go back in time and decide my own fate, I would allow myself to get cancer due to how it changed my perception of life. The sun looks brighter, the grass looks greener, and the world looks bigger.
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Renal Cell Carcinoma
Annamaria Scaccia
Cancer showed me that my time is precious, that my relationships are precious, that my life is precious, and that I need to protect my energy at all costs. I’ve found a new purpose and am now focused on the things that matter most.
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Metastatic Lung Cancer
Bill Thon
I am more vital, energetic, optimistic and hopeful for an inspired future, sharing my success with others.
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Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma
Carolyn Vento
Cancer gave me the opportunity to inspire others.
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Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)
Casey Kang Head
I found purpose and meaning in my life after so much trauma. I feel like I am here to help other women. I wouldn't be living an incredible life that is better than what I could have ever imagined without cancer. I don't live in fear. I am present with people and found out who my people are.
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Triple Negative Breast Cancer
Charissa Bates
We find joy in all aspects of our life. We seek it and this brings us comfort.
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Charles Benoit
Cancer taught me what is really important. I've learn to cherish moments, create memories and celebrate milestones. I've learned that everybody dies, not everyone lives.
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Cheryl Rostek
Cancer showed me with striking clarity that love was what mattered most in life! Love! Love for myself and strengthening loving relationships with my husband, children, family and friends. It seems so simple, yet it took coming face to face with death to gain this fresh perspective which is revolutionizing my life!
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Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Christie Finley
Cancer has allowed me to meet the most amazing people. I have raised over $350,000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society #FightinFins.
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Non Small Cell Lung Cancer
Christine Palmieri
Cancer has helped me to slow down and appreciate all of the tiny moments that make up each day. It has helped me to strengthen and nurture relationships that support my healing, and let go of those that don’t. I’ve learned to trust my body and my intuition in ways that never would have been possible before. I am more confident, more present, and more willing and able to let go of the small stuff.
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Breast Cancer
Claudia De Pasquale
Cancer taught me patience, letting go of what we cannot control, the power of our mind, gratitude, and a great appreciation of the present. It also radically changed the way I look at life. I have more clarity and I am proud of how strong and resilient I have become.
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Breast Cancer
Colleen Rivers
After cancer, I am very clear on what is important in my life.
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Glioblastoma & Leiomyosarcoma
DJ Stewart
Cancer made me a better husband, friend, and family member. It gave me the opportunity to dedicate my life to something truly meaningful.
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Glioblastoma & Osteosarcoma
David Fitting
Coming up on my 20th year of survivorship, my world has never revolved around the fear of cancer, but rather how grateful I am to be able to live the life I have lived.
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Brain Cancer
David Michael Seymour
I learned the importance of health and to be thankful everyday you are alive. Cancer made me realize family and your health are really all that matters.
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Anaplastic Ependymoma
David Pamplona
I look at life through a lens that I never would have prior to having experienced cancer as a child, then as a young adult. Each and every breath is a gift and moment that shouldn't be wasted.
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Breast Cancer
Deidre Ferenc
I no longer sweat the small stuff. I also feel like I appreciate the small moments more now and just see life through a more beautiful lens. My faith in there being so many good people in our world was restored!
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Metastatic Breast Cancer
Dr. Frances Baumgarten
My dream was for a center where all cancer patients and their family members can get better prepared to deal with the enormous challenges of this disease, regardless of their ability to pay.
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Breast Cancer
Elyce Neuhauser
Cancer led me to a deeper awakening of compassion, wanting to help others going through similar situations, and wanting to heal my past wounds, especially with my family.
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Colorectal Cancer
Erin Soto
My cancer crisis inspired me to take better care of myself and family. It sparked a burning desire in me to become an active participant in my well-being journey. I embarked on a wellness revolution to reclaim control over my health and happiness - and have never looked back. Cancer can be a great teacher. When facing down our fragility, cancer teaches us so many lessons about what it means to truly live.
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Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia & Thyroid Cancer
Gena Bradshaw
Cancer put me on the path of what I was born to do: help others going through a traumatic experience. I help survivors understand the importance of health and discover a new version of themselves that can accomplish what their soul wants to in this lifetime.
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Greg Cantwell
Cancer made me realize that I am not invincible, and that you only live once. Nobody knows when their last day is, so make those memories for yourself and your loved ones.
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Subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma (SPTCL)
Harjeet Kaur
Cancer changed my life completely. I focus on the positivities of living each day and resilience in life.
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Metastatic RET Positive Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Ilana Stromberg
No matter how long I live, this diagnosis makes me vey conscious of wanting to live like the memory I want to be - a kinder, gentler version of myself.
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Colorectal Cancer
JJ Singleton
Cancer made me realize that I needed to not take any day for granted to appreciate the little things in life - not just look forward to big moments.
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Breast Cancer
Jessica Bousky
Cancer has given me a profound sense of gratitude and made me much more aware of all the good that surrounds me in both the everyday and in the extraordinary.
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Breast Cancer
Joan Novak
It sounds crazy to say, but it may have been one of the best things that happened to me. I reduced my alcohol intake. I have made it a top priority that I am stress-free, calm, well-rested, and have a healthy diet. The illness gave me a reawakening to always having joy of my life.
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Glioblastoma, Melanoma & Prostate Cancer
Julian Axon
Being a long-term survivor of 5 cancers lets me use my challenges for the good of other people. My story is not a sob story about what I have been through, but is a success story about how I have been through it.
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Karen DAlessandro
Cancer forced me to look at reality and my time available to do what I want to do.
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Colon Cancer
Karey Spransy
So here’s what I know: time marches on, and the hard part will end. Laughter heals, even if there are tears. Connection & community are everything.
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Breast Cancer
Keiko Tanaka
As much as I hate cancer, my diagnosis was a breakthrough I didn't wish for. I believe it didn't happen to me, but For me, and in many ways, my life has changed for the better.
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Brain, Testicular, Thyroid Cancers
Kevin Shroads
Cancer has become the biggest blessing in disguise that I have received in my life. It changed the way I was living and allowed me to find my soul's aligned path in life.
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Triple Negative Inflammatory Breast Cancer
Kommah McDowell
With less that a 5% chance of surviving 2 years, the journey was not easy. Now 17 years later, I live to share my miraculous story of survivorship.
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Breast Cancer
Kristin Watkins
Cancer gave me the right to prioritize what my family needed and what I needed, and I have maintained those priorities for 13 years.
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Paraneoplastic Syndrome
Larry Klukaszewski
Cancer allowed me to find strength I never knew I had. I’ve started a non-profit, my art has become better and more intense as has my zest for life and love of people. I pray and meditate so much more now.
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Non Small Cell Lung Cancer
Lenny "Blue" Weiland
Cancer didn’t bring me to my knees, it brought me to my feet. I am kinder, friendlier, more patient & understanding. I appreciate everything in life: people, family, friends, art, music & poetry. I mentor other cancer patients.
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Breast Cancer DCIS
Lindsay Hakimi
Cancer helped me to learn to value my time and only say “yes” to the things that I want to do!
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Maddy Humphreys
I am proud to be living proof that statistics can get it wrong!
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Hodgkins Lymphoma
Maddy Pollack
Cancer led me to my purpose and passion in life, which is nutrition, mindfulness and holistic health. Without cancer, I wouldn't have as strong of a relationship as I do with my mind and body, and wouldn't have started helping others who are going through cancer treatment or survivorship.
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Anal Cancer
Margie A. Wirth
Find an online support group. We are very open and want to help and support others. 
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Ovarian Cancer
Marieta Alexaki
Cancer has radically changed my life. Through this journey I have become a stronger person.
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Testicular Cancer
Matthew Ode
Cancer brought me closer to my faith, my now wife and family, and gave me a much greater path and purpose to help others.
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Thyroid Cancer
Meredith Nakamura
Cancer taught me (admittedly, in hindsight) that I cannot control the course of my life by holding on tighter. The more I try to stranglehold, the less control I actually have.
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Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Michelle Patidar
Cancer made me wake up and realize the bigger picture of life. It has brought me to my purpose - to help survivors recover. Cancer taught me how strong I actually am, how to face my fears, and ultimately how important overall health is. There is no life to live without your health and well-being!
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Neha Mehta
Cancer made me aware of my inner strength and faith.
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Leiomyosarcoma of the Colon
Neva Yoder
My faith in God grew and I don't take life for granted! I found freedom and peace in Christ!
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Adamantinoma and Neuroendocrine Cancers
Nicole Davenport
I say cancer is my teacher because it is helping me to see where and how I store my traumas. It guides me to understanding where the stresses are and the power I truly hold over myself through chaos.
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Niki Kozak
I learned to have a heightened awareness and appreciation of "the little things." I have much better communication with others, and far more empathy. Most importantly, I have realized the value of my time and saying "no."
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Metastatic Thyroid Cancer
Nikole Shreve
Cancer has positively affected my life by giving me and my family true perspective. It enables you to become laser focused on what truly matters and prioritize those things daily.
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Mantel Cell Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Pam Anderson
This is not a journey I would wish on anyone - but it is journey I am glad I took.
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Acute Myeloid Leukemia & Metastatic Breast Cancer
Renee Firato
Cancer has completely changed my life and I am thankful for the place I’m at. I’ve become a mom, participated in national fundraisers, advocacy, and even shared my story with legislators who are fighting to update the Breast Care Equity Act.
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Lymphoma, Tongue & Brain Cancers
Reyn Giese
Cancer has changed my life because I can help other people now by listening to them and what they’re going through, because I’ve been there myself. 
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Rita Wolf
Cancer brought me closer to God and made me realize my mortality.
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Non Hodgkins Lymphoma
Sandra Madden
Cancer made me reprioritise myself, gave me the time to be present and see the beauty that was around me. Cancer has shown me that I needed to heal more than my physical body.
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Multiple Myeloma
Sandra Russell
I never expected to write a book, but cancer has given me a sense of purpose to help others by being honest and authentic about the emotional challenges cancer brings.
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Ovarian Cancer
Sandy Supple
I realized we only have one life to live and you need to enjoy yourself.
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Acute Myeloid Leukemia - AML
Sasha Giovanni Tanori
Cancer made me stronger and proved that I’m more resilient that I ever thought I was.
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Primary Mediastinal B Cell Lymphoma
Shannon Cury
Cancer allowed me to slow down, listen to my body, and reconnect with my voice. When confronted with the impermanence of life, all that remained was peace and self acceptance. That sense of clarity and peace continues to empower me to live a wholehearted purposeful life.
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Skin and Breast Cancers
Sibella Bresciani
In many ways, I see everything from a different perspective.
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Stacie Baker
After cancer I started TRULY living life to the fullest. I started new hobbies and became more intentional with friendships.
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Colorectal Cancer
Susan Stephens
My mantra during treatment was: “I am cancer free!" I am just waiting for my body to catch up with what my mind already knows.
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Multiple Myeloma
Tania Atkin
This diagnosis has allowed me to slow down and take inventory of my life and the people around me. It has allowed me to re align with my authentic self, whom I lost trying to be a high achiever and perfect in an imperfect world.
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Breast Cancer
Tara Coyote
Cancer made me truly appreciate life and gave me a perspective of how fortunate I am to be alive, especially as I came so close to death.
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Ovarian Cancer
Tara Zavadski
I appreciate each day that I wake up even more than before, and am so grateful for the amazing life, family, and friends that I have been blessed with.
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Breast Cancer
Thandi Montgomery
As hard as this journey was/is, I am crazy enough to believe that every drop of chemo not only killed the bad/good cells, but it destroyed the imposter syndrome that held me back. I’m crazy enough to believe that every round of radiation burned off the pressure of perfectionism. I’m also crazy enough to believe that my struggle with anxiety was removed with every surgical excision. We all have crucible moments and turning points at unexpected times that have transformed us into our true selves. I am a better person because of my cancer journey.
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Breast Cancer
Tiffney Beckloff
Cancer has impacted my life positively by teaching me to live in the moment, be more grateful, and appreciate the little things.
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Multiple Myeloma
Todd Kennedy
A positive way that cancer changed my life is by giving me a sense of purpose in helping other cancer patients
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Colon Cancer
Valarie Yvette Guyton-Culver
I live each day to the fullest. I realized that I am only in competition with myself! I can be the best version of myself! It's ME vs. ME!
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Metastatic Lung Cancer ALK +
Veronica Villanueva
Cancer taught me that I MATTER! I have become intentional about how I live. I have made my lifestyle my medicine.
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Medulloblastoma Brain Cancer
Victoria Marotta
I see life through a different lens now. Everyday I wake up I thank God I am breathing. I don't take things for granted and I am much more grateful for the small things/moments in life. I give back to others now since so many people helped me and my family when I was sick.
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Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Wendy S. Harpham, MD
A cancer diagnosis encourages us to know both the fragility and hopes of life, and with that knowledge to live most fully.
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