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Scared of Chemo? Read This.

I had years of tough treatment. Was it a walk in the park? No. But what I experienced surprised me.

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CareTAKERSCANCERTALKWellnessWhat to expect
Springtime & the Power of Intention Setting
What does it mean to set effective intentions? And how can you support yourself in the process, wherever you might be in your healing journey?
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Exciting Advances in Blood Cancer Research & Treatment from the Latest ASH Conference
The latest updates in treating multiple myeloma and other blood cancers and diseases from ASH 2024: the rooms where it happens
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Supporting Your Mental Health Through the Holiday Season
For those with cancer the holidays can bring a unique set of challenges, but there are ways to carve out peace and presence to sustain your spirit through winter and beyond.
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Cancer Resources for Men
Man Up to Cancer is an incredible organization for men dealing with cancer mentored by other men who have been through it.
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What Foods Should I Eat After Cancer?
After active cancer treatment ends, your body needs extra support to recover and rebuild. The food you eat can play a crucial role.
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Tips for Removing Toxins from Home
A step-by-step process about removing toxic products from your home and body from all-natural brand Branch Basics
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Download: 25 Tips for Hope & Healing During Cancer
The You Can Do Cancer Ultimate Guide shares the most meaningful, survivor-tested tips to help you fight & heal alongside your treatment plan.
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Coping with Depression
Many cancer patients go through episodes of depression. Fortunately, you can protect yourself from depression, and if it does occur, there are effective remedies for it.
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Healing Wishes
Wishes have power to help clarify which hopes are based in reality. Giving voice to them is the first step in letting go of those that hamper getting good care & living fully.
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Scared of Chemo? Read This
I did 3 years of intense treatment. Was it a walk in the park? Heck no. Was it tolerable? Yes. Let me tell you how I got through it (and never threw up).
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Getting Through the "What Now?" Phase After Treatment
If you're in the "what now?" phase of your cancer journey, feeling a loss of control or not sure where to go from here, I can promise you - you're not alone.
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Parenting Teens While "Doing" Cancer
My failures & successes while helping my teens through my recurrent cancer convinced me of the necessity of establishing & maintaining communication. Here's what I learned.
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How to Prevent and Detect the Most Common Cancer
For Skin Cancer Awareness Month, we interviewed skin expert Dr. Dendy Engelman for the latest on skin cancer prevention and early detection.
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Cancer Taught Me to Help Patients Find Healing Hope
Try as I might, I couldn’t switch on ‘hope’ like a light. Of the hopes I had, many were not helpful, even when realistic.
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My Post-Cancer Clean Skincare Routine
When cancer left my body, so did all of the toxic skincare products I was using. Here's a list of my new, clean skincare favorites & how I use them.
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Grace Wethor Knows a Great Story
For Brain Tumor Awareness month, we interviewed creator, actress, director, legislative advocate and Survivor - Grace Wethor.
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8 Children's Books That Address a Parent's Cancer
When parents hear that they have cancer, their first thoughts typically go to their children. Here are 8 great books that help kids understand cancer.
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Navigating Multiple Myeloma: 5 Tips Learned over 5 Years
Multiple myeloma is a complex, rare blood cancer with different genetic types that vary from patient to patient. Here are the top tips we've learned navigating this disease.
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The Cancer-Fighting Garden: What To Plant & What to Eat
‍Whether you have a big space to garden, a small window sill, or just want tips on cancer-fighting foods to buy from the grocery story, keep reading.
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Tips For Connecting With A Loved One With A Terminal Cancer Diagnosis
My dad committed to living out a life of quality for two and a half years after he was told he had two months left to live. Here's how we connected during this time.
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New, Non-Invasive Early Cancer Detection Tests
I heard an oncologist say that we can eradicate cancer death - it just comes down to early detection. Here are some of the latest non-invasive tests (even at home!)
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I Got a Prenuvo Full Body Scan - Here’s My Experience
A no-radiation screening for over 500 cancers, diseases and aneurysms? I'm in. Here's what I thought of the experience.
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Guide to Getting A Good Night’s Sleep For Cancer Patients and Caregivers
If you're a cancer patient or caregiver, you know how difficult it can be to get a good night's sleep. Here are some hacks to help make your nights more restful.
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Living Cancer Prevention Month Year-Round
8 ways you can make a personal commitment to your health & cancer prevention. Healthy, clean living can only help our chances to fight cancer!
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Mindfulness During Cancer: Combining Alternative & Traditional Approaches for a Holistic Journey
5 ways to practice mindfulness during cancer treatment and how they help your body, mind, and spirit.
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Survivorship: First Step, Defeat
More chemo? Defeat may be the first feeling I had, but determination to get through this while moving forward will serve me better.
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9 Great Cancer Podcasts
Here are some of the most popular podcasts about cancer depending on what you’d like to learn or get from listening.
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In Defense of Fruits
Avoiding fruit because of the popular notion that it can disrupt blood sugar levels? Many fruits actually help balance blood sugar & have special anti-cancer benefits.
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6 Reasons to Exercise During Your Cancer Treatment
Even on the days I really didn’t want to, I would force myself because I knew it would make me feel better.
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Tips for Nourishing Your Skin During Chemo & Radiation: A Guide To Clean Products
Learn the effects of cancer treatment on our skin and the products to help relieve unwanted side effects.
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Identity Tug of War
Am I someone who had cancer? Am I someone that dwells on cancer too much? The identity struggle is real.
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What To Do If Blood Cell Counts Drop During Treatment
Here are 4 things you and you doctor can do if chemo is causing your white blood cell counts to drop
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Keeping Perspective - It's a Wonderful Life
Do you remember the end of “It’s a Wonderful Life”? It's my favorite Christmas movie - and I feel like George Bailey.
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How to Advocate for Yourself During Cancer
If something isn’t sitting well with you, or you feel like you are not being heard, it’s time to pause and push back a little.
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Tips for Staying Healthy During the Holidays & Cold Weather
Cancer survivors and their caregivers should take these steps to boost their immune systems during sick season.
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Understanding Alternative Therapies: Our Favorites
This space is confusing - so here are our favorite during & after cancer alternative practices that we think help the most.
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How I'm Surviving Stage 4 Inoperable Cancer - in my 80s
I am convinced that what I have done in addition to my medical treatment has greatly contributed to my success.
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A Husband’s Guide to Surviving Your Wife’s Cancer
You are embarking on a challenging voyage and the waters will be choppy. Here are some tips, words of advice, warnings, and general observations on what you can expect.
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Why Cancer Changed My Mind About Therapy
I always considered myself a tough person who wouldn't need therapy - but I'm eternally grateful I tried it during cancer. It wasn't what I thought therapy was.
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A Supplement Plan for Immunity + Healing
There are so many supplements out there - and these are the ones that work for me alongside my diet & exercise plan.
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Self-Compassion & Cancer
Why can we be hard on ourselves when we’re already facing a challenge like cancer? Here's 3 things you can do to lessen negative self talk during your cancer experience.
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Prep a Transportation Plan During Treatment
The patient will have an appointment-heavy schedule that is never totally predictable. So get ahead of it with a care team and make a plan.
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Not Pot: Cannabis & Cancer
I never touched pot. That all changed at 34 years old when I was diagnosed with cancer. Cannabis helped me power through my aggressive regimen with few side effects.
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All Things Wigs and Hair
Right on schedule, my hair started falling out exactly two weeks after my first chemo infusion. I wanted to look like me still, so I started looking into hair solutions.
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Nature vs. Nurture? I Choose What Moves Us to Action!
I love to share this bit of science with patients and clients because it shifts us from a fear-based mindset and reminds us to focus on the things that we can control!
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Getting Grateful
Here are three easy tools that you can implement today. Performed on a daily basis, these simple practices will change your life.
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Finishing - The Ultimate Accomplishment
Your call to action today is to consider your purpose. Once you’ve got your “why” written on your heart, think about what “finishing" looks like for you today.
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My Experience with Integrative Naturopathic Medicine
It was important to me to take an active role in my health when I got diagnosed and explore all different types of healing to complement my medical cancer care plan.
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Food for Managing Nausea During Treatment
Trying to eat is challenging, and it's even more draining to think about healthy and nourishing foods. Some snack & meal ideas for the days you're just not that into food.
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What to Eat When You Don’t Feel Like Eating
Here’s some tips and ideas that blend listening to what your body wants, with a few healthy additions to give it what it needs.
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Scanxiety is Real! How to Cope
Scanxiety: the fear, anxiousness and worry around an upcoming scan or scan results. Here's how I cope.
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My New Normal: Lifestyle Changes I Carried Over from Cancer Treatment
My life will never fully go back to the way it was, and I say that as a positive. I realized my greatest joys come from the simple pleasures of life.
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Cancer Didn't Play by the Rules - But Neither Are We
Partnering with the right team and advocating for yourself and your loved ones puts the power back in your hands.
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Why Sauna During Treatment: Tips for Using
I started getting hives a few weeks after ending radiation and it drove me crazy. It was pretty unbearable at times.
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Why I Went to a Research Hospital for Treatment
Not only are these the ultimate experts in your cancer, they are on-par from a cost perspective with your local hospital.
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Why I Got a Port During Cancer Treatment
I have a port but I hardly notice it. The best part? When I go for hydration, a blood draw, treatment, or surgery I know the port is a sure thing. Easy access!
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Why I Chose Not To Have Immediate Breast Reconstruction
You might be thinking, “Why wouldn’t you do reconstruction at the same time as your mastectomy?” Here's why.
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Why a Second Opinion is Critical
After dozens of tests at my local emergency room my brain cancer was misdiagnosed as an infection and emergency surgery was ordered. I knew that wasn't it.
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What To Do When Someone You Love Has Cancer
If you're on the sidelines of cancer you may struggle with how to help, worry about saying the wrong thing, or feel out of the loop. Here's some ideas to help you navigate.
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What Cancer Taught Me: Focus on Self Care
It wasn’t until I was forced to take care of myself that I began to reflect on how such a “healthy” person was actually so unhealthy.
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Top Questions to Ask Your Oncologist Before Starting Cancer Treatment
To help guide you, bring this list of helpful questions to your next oncology appointment to help you understand the game plan and what to expect.
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Tips for Preventing Mouth Issues During Chemo & Radiation
One of the most frustrating side effects of cancer treatment is mouth irritation. Here are some daily tips to help keep your mouth balanced during chemo and radiation.
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Tips for Getting Relief in the Thick of Treatment
The weeks of surgery, chemotherapy, and brain radiation were tough. But - I made it! Simple, inexpensive, natural, self-care rituals are what got me through it.
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The Beauty Thing I Wish I Had Done Before Chemo: Eyebrow Microblading
I have never been a vain person, but when I lost my eyelashes and eyebrows I stopped looking… well, human.
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The App You Need To Support Someone Going Through Cancer
Marco Polo allows you to stay in touch by sending encouraging video messages and updates to one person or a group - and respond on your own time.
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3 Tips for Telling Someone You Have Cancer
I have had to share news that I have cancer - and have had someone tell me they have cancer. Here's what I’ve learned.
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Sleep: You Need More During Treatment
Sleep is the only time your body can truly heal, regenerate and repair itself. Here's what I did during treatment.
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My Treatment Plan & Timeline: Stage 3 Triple Negative Breast Cancer
I combined five different types of chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and immunotherapy - see my exact timeline here.
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My Life as a Care Partner: Tips for the Journey
Todd used to call me his “caretaker” but I never thought those terms truly captured my role in Todd’s cancer battle. We have since landed on the moniker “care partner."
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My Experience with Hypnotherapy During Cancer
The Mayo Clinic describes hypnotherapy as “a state of heightened focus and concentration. It helps you to gain control over undesired behaviors or help with pain & anxiety."
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Mentally Preparing for Chemo
Waiting and guessing can be tough. Here's my experience with mentally preparing to start chemotherapy.
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Just Diagnosed, Now What?
Where do you focus? Who do you trust? Where do you begin? I’ve identified three buckets I think all those who are newly diagnosed should dig into.
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How to Talk to Someone Who’s Been Diagnosed with Cancer
Letting someone know you care deeply without worrying them, prying, being negative, insensitive, or glazing over something important is tough. Here are some ideas.
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Hit Cancer with a Hammer-Try It All!
It's not just one thing you do - it's everything you do. Pair your medical treatment with healing modalities to get through it.
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A Port: Tips for Using & Questions to Ask
You will have to go through some trial and error to identify what works best for you and your port. Below are some tips to get you started.
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Cancer & Covid: My Experience and Protocol
Having brain cancer, I was worried about getting COVID. Grateful I made it out - sharing my COVID timeline and protocol.
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Cancer Treatment Plans Can Change – Don’t Panic, It’s Common
It can be demoralizing to hear that the goal line has moved. But stay positive and don’t panic: most cancer treatment timelines and plans change.
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Don't Believe Negativity About Cancer Treatment - You Can Do It!
I did 3 years of very intense treatment and was surprised at how well I could tolerate it. Don't believe the BS! Let me tell you how I got through it.
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Cancer Community: The Most Wonderful Group You Never Wanted To Be A Part Of
Knowledge shared by those who have been where you are is, in my opinion, the single most helpful thing to guide your healing journey.
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Caffeine & Radiation: The Benefits
Caffeine is recognized as potent radio-sensitizers, an effect first discovered in the 1970's, and since documented in over 70 published studies.
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Boost Your Immune System with Zinc Shock Therapy
Ongoing immune support is important during and after cancer treatment. zinc deficiency is a trigger for all kinds of chronic illnesses.
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15 Diet Tips for Metabolic-Immunity Health
There is mounting evidence that diet and the state of our bodies may have a lot to do with making us more susceptible to disease.
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9 Great Books to Buy Someone with Cancer
Book suggestions for those in cancer treatment depending on where they are in their journey and what they’re interested in. ‍
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