Diagnosis & Treatment

Breast Cancer DCIS
Medical Center
Hoag, Newport Beach CA
Dr. Lincoln Snyder
Dr. Merry Tetef
Clinical Trials
Medical Treatment
Details of Treatment
Medication During Treatment
Alternative Therapies During Treatment
Cancer helped me to learn to value my time and only say “yes” to the things that I want to do!
WHAt helped me during treatment
Favorite Quote
“Let go…let God!”
Advice for Others
My advice is to trust your gut and push for answers and tests until you are satisfied. You’ve got this!

My Story

I was still breastfeeding my youngest son when I started having weird pains and itching in my left breast. I spoke to my OBGYN about it and was advised that it was most likely do to hormones. About 6 months later, I was still having the pain and went back. They said that maybe it was an infection and offered antibiotics. I declined and pushed further and they decided to send me for a breast ultrasound. The ultrasound led to a mammogram, and then a biopsy. The biopsy came back as Stage 0 DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma in Situ). It was very widespread calcifications, so a mastectomy was recommended. I opted for a double mastectomy to hopefully not have to do ongoing medication or radiation. I had a double mastectomy and no meds or radiation were needed. My reconstruction failed - but that’s a whole different story. My advice is to trust your gut and push for answers and tests until you are satisfied.

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