Being a long-term survivor of 5 cancers lets me use my challenges for the good of other people. My story is not a sob story about what I have been through, but is a success story about how I have been through it.
I have battled and won 5 separate fights with cancer…Prostate cancer since 2006, 2x Malignant Melanoma in 2013 & 2015, and two deadly stage 4 Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) brain tumors (in 2013 and 2014). I was told having glioblastoma would be terminal and had between 5 to 15 months to live. Since then I have had 8 clear annual MRI scans. We keep a watch on it all the time, but right now cancer is just a bad memory for us and we hope it stays that way.
Stay strong, stay fit, eat well, get well and believe you can achieve. Don't ever think cancer, even terminal cancer, can't be beaten. You may well get the same good fortune I have had. Good luck to everyone on their journey. Don't ever give up on fulfilling your dreams.
My story is not a sob story about what I have been through but is a success story about how I have been through it.
I have written a book "Fulfilling Your Dream: The Battle to Beat Cancer" about my being a long-term survivor of 5 cancers over 16+ years. It covers how I successfully dealt with my own cancer challenges to inspire and motivate fellow cancer patients and their caregivers, so that they may rise to their own challenges and ultimately fulfill their own dreams of beating cancer.
The photo below is of a scan of my cured brain showing a hole that remains where my two tumors were removed from. The hole is filled with cerebral fluid, but I have a fully-functional brain. I use that hole as my extra piece of space for storing creative ideas and motivational thoughts!