Diagnosis & Treatment

Metastatic Lung Cancer
Medical Center
City of Hope - Duarte, CA
Dr. Yan Zing, MD, Phd - City of Hope, CA
Dr. Yan Zing, MD, Phd - City of Hope, CA
Clinical Trials
Medical Treatment
Details of Treatment
Medication During Treatment
Alternative Therapies During Treatment
No sugar
Plant-based Diet
I am more vital, energetic, optimistic and hopeful for an inspired future, sharing my success with others.
Vitamin C, Mushrooms, Zinc, Multivitamin, B-Complex
WHAt helped me during treatment
See below
Favorite Quote
Advice for Others
Stay positive and confident that you will get through this!

My Story

I developed a slight cough and some shortness of breath.  Nothing serious I thought, but my intuition was telling me to check it out.  My family doctor conducted a complete physical exam and concluded I was perfectly healthy and should not be concerned.  However, I insisted on a chest X-ray as I felt something was not right. Two days later I was summoned back to my doctors office with news you never want to hear.  X-rays revealed a large, more than 3 1/2 inch tumor in the lower lobe of my left lung.  Follow up tests including CT Scans and ultimately a biopsy confirmed Stage 4, metastatic, non-operable lung cancer.  The cancer had spread from a Melanoma skin cancer I had surgically removed a few months before.  I became a patient at City of Hope in Duarte the renowned cancer treatment center.

I was to be treated monthly with immunotherapy, similar to chemotherapy except instead of designed to “kill” the cancer, the intent is to build your immune system to fight, attack and destroy the cancer cells.  Treatment was to be for a period of two years with the hope of reducing the size of the tumor and permitting possible surgical removal.  If treatment was successful, the hope was that my chance of surviving cancer could be improved from 25% to 35%.

Today, just over one year later, my latest PET scan shows I AM CANCER FREE!!

 I will be followed closely with scans to make sure there is no reoccurrence, but I am confident, as I have been from the beginning, that my life will not be effected in the future by cancer.  I can never express enough my gratitude for the wonderful treatment I have received at City of Hope.  It is the most caring and dedicated group of professionals on the planet.  I recommend them highly and urge all cancer patients to seek treatment or second opinions from this fine institution.  My success may be 100% attributed to the treatment I received there.  On the other hand through, extensive research and the study of alternative cancer treatment, I am convinced that what I have done “in addition to my treatment at City of Hope” has greatly contributed to my success.

It is for this reason, and at the request of several cancer patients I have been in contact with,  that I now outline what I have done on my own to beat and prevent return of my cancer.  All of what I am about to present is not only designed to beat cancer but to PREVENT GETTING CANCER in the first place and to otherwise live a healthy life with resistance to other diseases many of which can be life threatening.

First off I want to acknowledge my good fortune in being put in touch with Irene, a registered nurse, married to an orthopedic surgeon, who OVER THIRTY YEARS AGO was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer which had spread throughout her body even after radiation and chemotherapy treatments. She was told there was nothing further they could do for her, to put her affairs in order and basically be prepared to leave her husband and young children behind.   It was because of Irene’s research that I was able to read and study multiple books by Oncologists and other researchers who sought alternative treatments for the seemingly incurable and  dreaded cancer.

Here is my outline of what I found most important in my recovery:

Recommended Reading:

A must, in my opinion is, “Radical Remission” by Kelly A Turner, Ph. D. and her second book “Radical Hope.”  In these books and based on extensive research and travel all over the world, Dr. Turner outlines 10 basic principals that she has found to be common in areas of the world where cancer and other diseases such as diabetes and heart disease are “radically cured” without traditional medical intervention or where such treatment has failed to find a cure.  In my journey I have followed these 10 principals and will continue doing so for the rest of my life for continued good health and longevity.  If you are suffering or know someone else who is suffering from cancer or other disease, reading these two books is so very encouraging.  You will read the stories of others who have suffered from either what you have or something even worse and have found radical recovery, restored health, happiness and joy.

Radically changed my diet:

Research shows that the best diet for cancer control is “PLANT BASED.”   Veggies (mostly) and fruits.  Begin by cutting out, as best you can, all PROCESSED SUGAR.  You will get all the “natural” sugar you need from good fruits.  Train yourself to “read labels.”   Check the sugar level in everything you consume, especially “added sugar.”   Look at the sugar contained in sodas, candy, cakes and other sweet things.  It is a wonder we don’t all have cancer, especially our kids.  REMEMBER:  "CANCER THRIVES ON SUGAR.”  How does a CT scan find cancer?  They inject you with sugar (sucrose), and a radioactive material,  which the cancer cells quickly grab on to. Then the picture is taken and the bad cells light up like fire works.

In the “Blue Zones,” of the world, where there is little or no cancer, heart disease, obesity or diabetes, the people consume mainly a plant based diet and eat little or no meats or dairy products.   There was a National Geographic magazine a few months ago that featured “Blue Zones” of the world where what I have just stated was confirmed.

Supplements and food:

All the following are plant based, found in nature and all shown to be helpful in the treatment of cancer and other diseases.  And just good for overall health and longevity.

  • MUSHROOMS: Without the nutrients of MUSHROOMS our forests could not survive.  I take two mushroom supplements daily, manufactured by “Host Defense.” Available from Amazon or most health food stores, Whole Foods and Sprouts. 1)  TURKEY TAIL Mycelium Powder, 1/2 teaspoon added every morning to my fruit and veggie smoothie.   2)  “BREATHE”, TWO CAPSULES PER DAY.              
  • SMOOTHIE DELIVERY: It can be challenging to keep fruits and veggies fresh without almost daily shopping. We have discovered a good way to make sure we get them everyday by subscribing to a company called “Daily Harvest.”    These are fruit and veggie smoothies delivered to your door weekly and contain ONLY freshly-frozen fruits and veggies.   They come is several varieties and you just add the liquid you like, filtered water or I prefer Almond Milk.  Add the supplements and mix in a blender.  Makes it all very easy.  You can order at: daily-harvest.com  The one I am looking at right now contains Blueberry, Spinach, Black Sesame, Zucchini and Pine Pollen.  
  • BITTER RAW APRICOT KERNELS:  I believe APRICOT KERNELS are just as essential as are mushrooms to my success.  A very long and interesting history concerning the use of Apricot Kernels in the treatment of cancer.   First discovered by Dr. Ernst T. Krebs who labeled it “Laetrile” or “Vitamin B17. As do many other fruit seeds, including apples, apricot kernels contain Hydrogen Cyanide. This can actually kill someone, IF TAKEN IN EXCESS. Therefore you ONLY TAKE THREE KERNELS PER DAY   Put in your daily smoothies.  This is actually a form of early “immunotherapy,” and is a natural food sold on Amazon or ordered through health food stores. Make sure the BITTER and not sweet varieties.  
  • BEETS:   The nutritional value of beets has been now for centuries. Recommended for many serious illnesses including as a supplement for cancer treatment. Simply buy fresh or canned small whole beets, keep in refrigerator and eat a couple everyday or add to salads.
  • HEMP OIL: Many current studies have shown good success in cancer patients with CBD oil.  I take Cannagenix Hemp extract 300 mg.  I take one dropper full before  going to sleep. Again available on Amazon and almost everywhere else these days.  The actual brand is not important if good quality.
  • NUTS: Almost all mixed nuts are healthy for you and I eat a couple of handfuls a day.  Costco or Sprouts especially salt-free Deluxe variety.  Nuts have natural sugar, which is fine and carbohydrates but not enough to be concerned about weight gain.
  • DAIRY & ALCOHOL PRODUCTS:  We are the ONLY animal that consumes another animals milk.  I don’t believe whole milk and milk products are good for adults.  I do eat a fair amount of cheese because it adds flavor to some boring meals.  I use almond or coconut milk whenever milk is called for and in smoothies and cereal. Buy ONLY healthy cereal with no or very little sugar.   Mr. Kellogg, of cereal fame, was a Seventh Day Adventist. He invented healthy cereals for the congregation that did not eat meat.  Loma Linda where the Seventh Day Adventist Medical School is located in the ONLY BLUE ZONE in the US. Why? They don’t eat meat or consume alcohol and exercise a lot. Personally I like a small glass of wine with dinner, otherwise very little if any alcohol should be consumed.
  • VITAMINS: If you eat properly you should have little need for supplemental vitamins.  However todays over processed food often has less vitamins than expected, AND if you have cancer and are undergoing treatment, you probably need additional vitamins and minerals.  The first that comes to mind is Vitamin C. Unless you live in a citrus orchard you can use some extra Vitamin C.   I take 1600mg. of LIPOSOMAL VITAMIN C by Nutriflair.   I also take the multiple vitamin “Centrum Silver” which is designed for Men 50+, I qualify at 84+. There is a similar one for women.  I take a Super B-Complex for Antioxidant Support.  I also take Zinc, I think because recommended for Covid.
  • FASTING: God did not command fasting as a form of punishment, but instead to encourage good health.  God knows that our digestive system often need a break for best performance.  This is especially important for cancer patients.   Why?   We are taking treatments  and chemicals either designed to kill our cancer or to build our immune system so our own bodies can destroy the enemy.  If our bodies are always so full of food  products that require the tireless effort of our digestive enzymes and good T-cells, how can the same good cells have the time or ability to attack and destroy the cancer cells.  We must give them a break to do the work God intended for them. Now I am not talking about days or even many hours of fasting.   All we need to do is NOT consume any food from dinner until breakfast in the morning.  This way our bodies can digest the food before bedtime and then they are able to attack the bad cells during our sleep.  This is difficult for me since I like  to munch on nuts, fruits or veggies while watching TV before bedtime and I really have to work at keeping this short fast.  My beloved Thrifty Chocolate/  Peanut butter ice cream habit may have contributed to my issue in the first place.
  • NUTRITION AND THE MEDICAL PROFESSION: I love the medical profession and if smart enough would have joined their ranks.  Most are dedicated to the healing arts with compassion and concern for others. The education required to attain certification in a medical speciality is enormous and so many who begin the journey will not succeed.  Most have an undergraduate degree followed with more years in Medical School, internship, residency and possibly a fellowship position, often burdened with massive educational debt when they begin their practice. However, it seems that a discussion between doctor and patient of proper NUTRITION for what ails them is rare today. It seems as if they have been trained to find the best known pharmaceutical product for the illness and thus write the prescription.  If that one does not work they will try the next on the list or order more tests or consultations.   It is common for doctors to not recommend or even recommend against what is proposed above.  Why?   Because of all those years of education and training there may not have been a single class in nutrition. If you choose to discuss my proposals above with your doctor and he or she is not in accord, simply ask about their training in nutrition and what if any diet he would propose you follow while in treatment for your best possible outcome.    The response expected would be, “just follow a balanced diet and don’t eat any thing in excess.”   I know, by the way, that there are dedicated doctors at City of Hope, that strongly consider diet, recommend against excessive sugar and encourage exercise as well. Point out that the “Father of Medicine,” Socrates is quoted as saying, “Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food.”    All doctors take the "Socratic Oath” to begin their practice and pledge to “Do no harm.” As for me I will continue doing what I have done over the past year confident that there will be NO reoccurrence of my cancer and  sharing my experience will help others become CANCER SURVIVORS.  

  • To heal itself our bodies need a LOT OF OXYGEN.  How we breath and how we exercise effects our bodies O2 level and we can, through our own efforts, increase the level of O2 in our blood.  You need to learn how to breathe from your belly to your chest and into your brain.   Take very deep breaths in through your nose, extending your abdomen and filling your chest and even feeling the oxygen going into your brain.  Practice this while sitting down, because if you are doing it right you will get dizzy at first and could even faint.  Exhale slowly through your mouth and repeat.  I now practice this every morning on my daily walks.  It is exhilarating and makes you feel good all over.   Practicing this technique is how free divers train to stay under water for long periods of time.
  • All forms of exercise is good for you and necessary for good health and healing.   Exercise pumps blood throughout your body, reducing the risk of dying prematurely from heart disease and cancer.    Helps reduce feelings of depression and anxiety and helps build and maintain healthy bones, muscles and  joints.  The American Cancer Society recommends exercise for ALL CANCER PATIENTS.  Yes you can, even while infusing - keep moving!
  • One of the 10 keys to success outlined in “Radical Remission,” is “Having a Spiritual Connection.”  Regardless of what your spiritual connection is, rather based on a religious belief, yoga, or meditation, research shows that any such connection is felt in the body as a physical experience as well.  A spiritual connection evokes an overwhelming feeling of unconditional love. It is said that humans are spiritual beings in a physical body. For me my connection is through my faith in God and belief in the power of prayer as a Christian.  I am confident that “prayer works,” and I have felt the powerful prayers of so many fellow Christians, both family and multiple friends in several different churches.  I believe my prayer for others, has helped me as well.  When I am at City of Hope I am in constant prayer for other patients.  I see the pain and suffering that surrounds me.  Those showing the signs of extended treatments, in wheelchairs being assisted by volunteers or family members.  Yet, as the name implies , I see HOPE and OPTIMISM.   Whenever I have the opportunity I try to comfort others in treatment.  As my tumor has shrunk over time I have shared with other patients my success and how healing will come to them as well. If you review all I have said above one thing stands out.  Everything I do and take are GIFTS FROM GOD found in His creation. Life itself is a gift from God and He alone controls our future.  And yes he has inspired man to research and find the cures for devastating illness.


My vanity, even at 84 years old prompted this question when I was to begin infusions, “Will I lose all my hair?"  The answer was, you probably will not  go completely bald, but your hair will get very thin.  Sure enough when I started treatment my hair started falling out and I was saddened every time I cleaned the shower drain.   However, once I started following the regimen above, not only did my hair grow back, but my hair today is thicker than it has been in years.  My long-time barber is amazed.

Cheryl, my bride of 53 years, who has never had cancer, but has breathing issues from a history of asthma and smoking, has followed my regimen along with me.   She, likewise, has experienced better health and stamina.   She attends the “Silver Sneakers” exercise class three days a week and we continue to love life together.   Covid has slowed our travel some but, as I write this we are scheduled to travel to Cabo San Lucas for vacation in just a few days. Regarding Covid, although family members and many friends have been infected, we have not, even though we have been exposed.  In fact neither of us have had as much as a cold in more than a year (granted we have both been properly vaccinated and remain careful).

May God Bless You in your journey of healing.  Stay positive and confident that you WILL SURVIVE this challenge.

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